Data Portals
The SPICOSA project has produced several useful data portals which build the core for information exchange between all users. Major benefits of the SPICOSA data portal are be direct access to data from the distributed networked database and easy browser-based search and retrieval possibilities. It is intended to stimulate networking at all levels: between researchers by giving access to and exchanging their data as well as between data centers and organizations by connecting their data repositories using international standards for metadata schemata and data exchange protocols.
The following portals, libraries and tools are available. They can be visited in a separate tab that opens upon mouse click on the respective link:
The Data Portal is the integral communication entrance point for the SPICOSA ICZM Information Management. From this portal all applications, documents and links to data centres are available.
The actual portal provides access to the following programs/applications and data sources supporting ICZM information management:
- The Model Library, which contains files of 'ExtendSim' – the simulation software applied at SPICOSA Study Sites
- The Data Archive, which provides a broad variety of georeferenced geoscientific data trough the search form of PANGAEA® - Publishing Network for Geoscientific & Environmental Data (ICSU World Data System)
- A Collaboration Tool, which provides a workspace to manage, exchange and publish data and documents of high relevance in ICZM
- Publications : access to relevant project publications at the web site of the EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany
- A suite of pre-selected data related to SPICOSA and ICZM is summarized under the
Sample Searches link, extracted from PANGAEA®, assigned to the Study Site Applications and to scientific themes and environments - Links to Data Centers, which lists ICZM relevant data and information sources (general, non-SPICOSA)
The overall data portal and its individual portals are open to ICZM relevant data providers if they use standard interfaces and protocols. Therefore the actual portal has a temporary layout. It is a matter of future user requirements and the possible incorporation of other data centers. Because the final version depends not only on the usability but also on the changing content, the portal layout will be of continuous development.
The web portal is based on panFMP ( ) generic and flexible framework for building geoscientific metadata portals independent of content standards for metadata and protocols. Data providers can be harvested with commonly used protocols (e.g., OAI) and metadata standards like Dublin Core, DIF, or ISO 19115.
This portal is supported by panFMP and hosted at MARUM (Bremen, Germany). For questions and further information please contact Dr. Hans-Joachim Wallrabe-Adams.