Get ready for presentation

Subtask Description:
Prepare your presentation.

Action points of the implementation:

Firth of Clyde, Loch Fyne, Scotland

Policy Issue:
Implications of increased leisure and tourist use of the Firth of Clyde

Human Activities:
Tourism, aquaculture, fisheries, maritime transport.

General Information:
As the Scottish Government aims to keep pace with global tourism trends and achieve 50% revenue growth, with social, economic and environmental stability, a study was made to examine the potential for future development of the sailing industry in the Firth of Clyde. The study suggested that the Clyde estuary could double its berthing capacity for recreational boating by 2015, but this created several stakeholder concerns relatively to the impacts of increased leisure boating to other resource users, particularly mussel aquaculture and navigation, especially in relation to competition for space and water quality.

Example of Implementation:
The most important presentation preparation task for the Loch Fyne team was to decide on the goal of the stakeholders meeting and from this to devise an appropriate meeting structure. Through various informal conversations within the group, it became clear that they wanted to:
• Provide an update about their activities to the policy makers-stakeholders of the area.
• Show the model to the policy makers-stakeholders.
• Obtain feedback about the model from the policy makers-stakeholders.
• Discuss modelling as a tool for science-policy integration with the policy makers-stakeholders.
• Discuss future collaboration with the policy makers-stakeholders.
The meeting agenda followed naturally from these goals. It was important that the meeting had a large amount of time dedicated for discussion as this seemed valuable to the team. They also identified the need to provide an appropriate amount of time for presenting the model and answering questions about it. They devoted the time at the beginning for catching up with the policy makers-stakeholders and refreshed their memories by describing the SAF implementation project and explaining where in the process the team is.
The agenda was set as follows:



Brief overview of past activities


General Introduction to the Lock Fyne systems model of mussel farming – yachting interaction


Exploring the model (HANDS –ON)







Another important preparation task was to develop questions for a semi-structured discussion, based on the goals of the meeting. Several members of the team met a couple of times to brainstorm the questions resulting in the following list:
• What did you think about the model? First impressions.
• What did you find good about the model?
• Is there anything you would suggest be improved in the model & its interface?
• Can you see this or similar models be useful in the decision making process?
• What aspects should a model have to be useful in the decision-making process?
• How does a model fit in the decision-making process?
• Is modelling a useful tool for the science-policy integration?
• What other tools/processes may be useful for the science-policy integration?
The meeting structure was developed to reflect the cultural setting and the relationship of the team with the policy makers-stakeholders as well as who these stakeholders are and their low number. The main purpose of the meeting was to show the model and obtain feedback.

Contact: Branka Valcic,