Do Stakeholder Forum
Subtask Description:
Stakeholder forum introduction.
Action points of the implementation:
- Explain the objective of your meeting
- Recapitulate the process for transparency referring to the Design Step, the Formulation Step, the Appraisal Step and to the engagement process
- Make sure to take advantage of the Design Step activities and tools provided
- Show the usefulness and limits of scenarios to the audience
- Evaluate the process as you go along (in the forum)
- Never stop referring to the “real” world. Show the impacts and implications for themselves to the Stakeholders at any time.
- Extrapolation from the model results to implications in the real systems should be explicitly highlighted.
Guadiana Estuary, Portugal (& Spain)
Policy Issue:
Management of the discharges of untreated wastewater into the estuarine environment
Human Activities:
Energy production, tourism, urban activity, agriculture and livestock farming, aquaculture.
General Information:
The estuary is the natural border between Portugal and Spain. On both sides of the estuary, especially in Spain, urban development is taking place, mainly associated with tourism and threatens to increase the inputs of pollutants, namely nutrients and bacteria. Nutrient input is expected to change, not only due to fertilizer application on golf courses, but also due to the river discharge from a large dam, which has accumulated nutrients during its filling. On the Portuguese side, the construction of a large-scale WWTP, designed to serve several urban areas, was successively delayed since it is located within a protected area. The main stakeholder concerns relate to asymmetric development strategies of the two countries and the impact of activities taking place in the watershed on the estuarine and coastal water quality, which has consequences on tourism attractiveness, fisheries, or traditional salt farming.
Example of Implementation:
The Consultation and Analysis process, including the presentation, discussion and questionnaire filling, was designed to last 2 hours. The chosen presentation sequence used the following work scheme:
1) ICZM discussion and SWOT analysis
2) SAF implementation on the Guadiana Estuary
3) Model results and discussion
- Water quality indicators;
- Socioeconomic response;
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- ICZM discussion and SWOT analysis » 30 minutes
- SAF implementation on the Guadiana Estuary » 30 minutes
- Model results and discussion » 60 minutes
This work scheme was presented by our team with appointed tasks, as previously mentioned, following a time frame of:
The chosen format was outlined as a slight variation from the proposed in the Deliverable 6.1. This difference is due mainly to the structure chosen to “run” the scenarios. As it was opted not to do a “Live Run”, model results and model mechanism had to be presented as a screenshot edited image. It was nevertheless reiterated that the model would be available in the Output Package, and that, by request, more detail on the model could always be given.
Contact: Carlos Sousa, cssousa@ualg.pt.